Bridal Registry. Be it your shower, your wedding, or your engagement party. Sign up now!

Maison Lipari
Depuis plus de 50 ans, Maison Lipari propose à ses clients un service de qualité, offert par un personnel qualifié et dévoué qui sont des experts de l’industrie.
For the newly engaged to buying your first home. Build your registry and gifting ideas with us. For over 50 years, Maison Lipari has offered clients personalized service by the industry’s most qualified, devoted and talented experts.

Printemps Chez Soi
Si vous souhaitez ressentir la joie et l’épanouissement du printemps, nous vous invitons à découvrir Printemps Chez Soi, un magasin qui vous propose une expérience unique avec un large choix d’art de la table et d’objets de décoration.
If you’d like to experience the joy and blossoming of spring, we invite you to discover Printemps Chez Soi. This store offers a unique experience with a wide selection of tableware and decorative objects.
When should you create your wedding registry?
- You should visit and complete your bridal registry four to six months before the wedding.
- This will give your guests time to purchase gifts for, the engagement, wedding and bridal shower.
How do you tell people about your wedding registry?
- Most couples send out the information with the wedding invitation or bridal shower invites.
- Make sure your wedding party & parents know so they can give the information to your friends/family.
- Include the link to your registry on your wedding web page