Elegant News


Petit Lapin Foundation Charity Event
A child, a cake, a smile: the only ingredients required for the Petit Lapin Foundation

When baker Viviane Nguyen discovered her son Ethan had more than 30 food allergies—and not a single bakery in Quebec could make him a cake for his first birthday—she took matters into her own hands, opening the first bakery in North America (March of 2014) called Pâtisserie Petit Lapin. With completely vegan, gluten and allergy free options, the bakery now provides all children with food allergies or intolerances the joy of cake on their birthday. As a way of offering parents who can’t necessarily afford these beautiful and safe cakes, Nguyen formed the Petit Lapin Foundation providing children with multiple food allergies or celiac disease a free cake on their birthday. Join in on the Soirée Bénéfice Le Printemps Festif on May 15, 2017, under presidency of honour Fabienne Larouche where all proceeds will go to the Petit Lapin Foundation and the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation.

“No child should feel left out or different, especially on his/her birthday’’ – Viviane Nguyen


Photo by Karine Dontigny photographe